How To Find Teamviewer Id And Password


A few time TeamViewer has changed ID’s on me. (Not exactly sure why) But if you can get a command prompt on the machine you can get the ID out using the following query.

If you need to find one of your TeamViewer client IDs on a local network, you can do it by remotely connecting to the client's registry. On 32 bit machine you need to look into key: HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARETeamViewerVersion7ClientID. On 64 bit machine it would be: HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeTeamViewerVersion7ClientID. If you have forgotten your TeamViewer account password, you can request a password reset in the TeamViewer software or in the TeamViewer Management Console. Read this article to learn what to do, if you forgot your TeamViewer account password. In order to make a start with TeamViewer’s remote control functions, navigate to the Remote Control tab of the main interface. Here, you will find your TeamViewer ID and your temporary password, which you can change at any point. With this information, you can allow a partner remote control of your computer.

UPDATE: Get the latest version here that pulls back the ID for even the latest TeamViewer 13.

Copy the Hex Value and use a Hex to Decimal converter

How to find teamviewer password

There you have your TeamViewer ID.
(You are still have to know the password though, cant help you there)

Set New Id And Password For Teamviewer

*** Update 11/05/2017 ***
As pointed out by peter, looks like version 11 just uses the TeamViewer Key.


How to find my TeamViewer ID

You will need to access the Windows desktop of the machine in order to get the TeamViewer number:

  1. Look in the system tray (that's the bottom right corner of the Windows desktop, near the clock). If you do not see the icon please click the up arrow to reveal hidden icons.
  2. You will find a Blue icon for TeamViewer Host
  3. Right-click this icon and click Show TeamViewer
  4. This screen will give you a six to ten-digit ID number and Password

How To Find Teamviewer Password


Recover teamviewer password

Additional Information

TeamViewer Host is pre-installed on all Associations International branded hardware. TeamViewer uses a six to ten-digit ID number to identify each computer. In the event that the AI Service Desk needs to access your machine, they will likely need this ID number and a password in order to initiate the connection.

What's My Teamviewer Id

If you are unable to find the TeamViewer installation on your machine please notify the service desk so that it can be installed on your machine.